21 Days Fasting And Prayer For Breakthrough

21 Days Fasting And Prayer For Breakthrough

Fasting and Prayer is ultimately a demonstration of humility and reliance on God. The goal is to prioritize prayer over food, entertainment, and social interaction. This involves focusing on God’s Word and listening to the Spirit. Start with specific personal goals as well as breakthrough goals. Why are you observing a fast? Are you looking for guidance, healing, marriage repair, or family resolution? Are you having difficulty? Embark on this 21 Days fasting and prayer for breakthrough while Praying and seeking the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

21 Days Fasting And Prayer For Breakthrough

spiritual fasting and prayer increase awareness of God’s presence and power in our lives. God has not moved; we have. Fasting can foster spiritual dependence and shift away from self-centred behaviour. Making time to assess your life and identify opportunities for improvement can lead to the most significant breakthroughs. Please fast for spiritual breakthroughs for your church, mission, and yourself.

Bible verses and prayer points

 Seek heavenly favour, a powerful move of God in your life, and an unprecedented breakthrough.

  1. Praise God for who He is, and praise Him for everything He has done and is doing in our lives (Psalm 100:4, Ps 103:1-2, 1 Thess. 5:18).
  2. Ask God to forgive your sins and cleanse you of all unrighteousness/iniquity (Judges 6:1-4; Proverbs 28:13; 1 John 1:7-10).
  3. Reaffirm Jesus’ Lordship in your life, and renounce any covenant or affiliation with false gods, particularly those related to your ancestors (Judges 6:25-26; Exodus 20:2-5; Deut 29:18).
  4. Ask the Lord to reign over all aspects of your life (Judges 6:26, Isaiah 26:3, Isaiah 9:6).
  5. Pray that God’s reign will come and His will be done on earth. (Proverbs 14:34; Matthew 6:10, 33).
  6. Pray that God will empower you and fill you with His Holy Spirit. (Acts 1:8, Luke 11:13, Judges 6:34).
  7. Pray to be guided by the Holy Spirit (Isaiah 45:1; Exodus 33:14; Judges 6:7, 11-12).
  8. Ask God to replace any false beliefs you have about your life with His truth. (Judges 6:14-16; Jeremiah 29:11
  9. Ask the Lord to restore your soul completely, as well as everything that has been taken, slain, or destroyed in your life (Joel 2:25; John 10:10).
  10. Pray for protection from all evil forces (Matthew 6:13, Psalm 23:4, Psalm 91:3-15, Psalm 35:1, Isaiah 49:25, and Psalm 68:1-2).
  11. Pray for the healing of people who are sick or oppressed by the evil one, and protect yourself from illnesses and diseases (Psalm 107:20, Luke 4:18, Job 1:9).
  12. Pray for God’s goodness and mercy to follow you throughout your life (Psalm 23:6, Exodus 33:19).
  13. Pray that God will build, establish, and elevate RockPoint Church (Isaiah 2:2-3, Micah 4:1-2).
  14. Pray for the salvation of souls that do not yet have a personal relationship with Jesus as Lord (John 3:16-17, Micah 4:1-2, Isaiah 9:2).
  15. Pray that God remembers and rewards your service and sacrifice (Hebrews 6:10; 1 Samuel 26:23a).
  16. Pray for a rich spiritual life and favourable mental transformation (Philippians 4:6-7; Romans 12:1-2; Proverbs 23:7)
  17. Pray for the grace to live for God and walk completely into your mission and destiny (Proverbs 19:21).
  18. Pray for those who believe in God for marriage, so they will be divinely united with their life partners (Genesis 2:18, Psalm 68:6).
  19. For love, unity, and peace to abound in marriages, and for God to repair marriages (Ephesians 5:31-32).
  20. Pray for God’s blessing, favour, and grace in every area of your life (Psalm 84:11; Ephesians 2:8-9).
  21. Pray for the Lord to shepherd (lead and guide) you with His wisdom, power, and supernatural guidance in 2023 and beyond. (Psalm 23 and Romans 8:14).

Reasons Why Christians Fast

In Matthew 6:16, Jesus looks at His disciples and says, “When you fast,” before giving them explicit instructions on how to fast and pray. Interestingly, Jesus didn’t say ‘if’ you fast, but ‘when’. This indicates that Jesus expected His followers to fast. This indicates that fasting is a spiritual discipline to which all Christians must devote themselves.

Throughout the Bible, God’s people regularly fasted and prayed to get closer to God and enjoy breakthroughs in specific areas. If you want to strengthen your connection with God or see Him move supernaturally in a certain area, this is an excellent time to fast and pray.

How to Fast and Prayer

When deciding to fast, the first step is to devise a plan. Begin by deciding how much time and what type of fast you will do. Fasting can last any length of time and can be complete, partial, or selected (for example, the Daniel Fast). This 21-day fasting guide includes further information on specific periods and fast styles.

It is vital to realize that fasting without prayer simply means not eating. Remember that the purpose is to stop eating (or consume just certain types of food) for a while to redirect your focus, energy, and attention to God. The idea is to replace the consumption of food with time reading.


However, a single fast is hardly a panacea for spiritual health. We need new moments of fasting before God, just as we need fresh infillings of the Holy Spirit daily. Many Christians have found that fasting for 24 hours every week has been extremely beneficial. It takes time to strengthen your spiritual fasting muscles.

If you don’t complete your first fast, don’t give up. You may have tried to fast for too long the first time around, or you may need to improve your comprehension and resolve. As soon as feasible, begin another fast till you have succeeded. God will reward you for your faithfulness.

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