Prayer Points During Fasting

Prayer Points During Fasting

Beginning a fasting and prayer journey is a powerful and transformational experience with deep spiritual roots. As believers, we want not just to refrain from physical nourishment at these times but also to engage in intense communion with the Divine.

In this exploration, we will look at the complexities of prayer points during fasting, revealing the significance, direction, and tremendous influence these times of connection may have in our spiritual life.

Prayer Points During Fasting

Fasting and prayer are linked practices in many religious traditions, serving as a way to connect with the divine and seek direction. The act of fasting, whether from food, certain habits, or indulgences, offers room for increased spiritual awareness.

In this sacred area, prayer points take on additional significance, serving as a link between the seeking and the seeking. Understanding the significance of prayer points while fasting deepens this spiritual discipline, making it a more meaningful and transforming experience.

Seeking God

Psalms 25; Zachariah 4:9–10

Lord, show me mercy and remember not my transgressions; forgive me in Jesus’ Name. Psalms 25:7

Lord, as I seek your face this period, I open up myself unto you, Lord; I confess and forsake all my wrongdoings; cleanse me; show me mercy; and prosper me in Jesus’ Name. Proverbs 28:13

Father, let your goodness and your mercy follow me all the days of this year and throughout my life in Jesus’ Name. Psalms 23:6

Lord, as I work with you, may the fire on my altar never go out in Jesus’ Name, Leviticus 6:10–13.

Lord, open my heart so that I may hear you. Open my eyes so that I may see you. Open my mind so that I may perceive you. Open my inner man so that I may hear and obey your voice

I shall not hunger nor thirst; neither shall the heat nor the sun smite me this year; for he who has mercy on me shall lead me; even by the springs of water shall he guide me in Jesus’s name. Isaiah 49:10

Lord, every good thing that my hands have laid its foundation on shall be completed by my hands in Jesus’s name. Zachariah 4:9-10

Fruitfulness and Deliverance from evil

Father, help me that I will not labor in vain or bring forth in trouble in the Name of Jesus

Father, let every part of my life experience promotion that comes from you in Jesus’ Name. Psalms 75:6

Lord, bless me, make me fruitful, and multiply according to your word this year and as I enter the New Year in Jesus’ Name. Genesis 1:28.

Let me experience your power and victory in every area of my life. 1 Samuel 17:51–52

Lord, the terror that flies by day shall not come near me and every arrow of the enemy shall return to the sender in Jesus Name

I overthrow the citadel of sickness, weakness, and fear in my life in Jesus’s Name

Lord, deliver me from the snare of my enemies and the pestilence (drought) going around in Jesus’s name. Psalms 91:3

Lord, all through this year, let me live to find favor before you and before men in Jesus’s name. 1 Samuel 2:26

Lord, make your Church, All Nations Church (Joshua Generation Ministries), a battle axe in the camp of the enemy in this Land in Jesus’s Name

Lord, I pray that You supply all my needs and those of your church, according to your riches in glory. Philippians 4:19

Thy Kingdom Come

Matthew 6:9–15; 2 Chronicles 7:14; 2 Corinthians 8:7–15

Lord, let your righteousness and peace reign in this land of America. Cut off every evil plan of the wicked against this land and bring restoration in Jesus’s name. Isaiah 62:1

Lord, we humble ourselves and pray for this land. Heal our land of economic trouble, O Lord, and let honey flow again in Jesus’s name. 2 Chronicles 7:14

Lord, let thy kingdom come upon this land as it is in heaven in Jesus’s name. Luke 11:2

Lord, let thy kingdom come upon your church, as it is in heaven, in righteousness, love, peace, joy, increase, favor, and power. Luke 11:2

Every wall of separation between brethren will be torn down in Jesus’s name, and the Lord will touch the hearts of brethren to forgive one another of past hurts. That anger and bitterness should be rooted out. 1 Peter 2:1

Lord, let there be manifestations and performances of your word and prophecies that have come forth in Jesus’s name!

Victory and blessings

1 Corinthians 15:55–57; Jeremiah 33:6–11

Lord, this year I decree and prophecy Joy and Victory in my tabernacle and my dwellings in Jesus’s Name

Lord, let me experience your blessing that makes me rich without sorrow in Jesus’ Name. Proverbs 10:22

Father, release your blessing that will terminate the struggle in my life upon me in Jesus’ Name. Proverbs 10:22

Lord God, my Father, give me power, ability, and ideas to create wealth that will go beyond my generation in Jesus’ name. Deut.8:18

Lord, the pestilence that walks around by night and the destruction that wastes by day, called recession, will not come by my dwelling in Jesus’ Name. Psalms 91:6

Lord, all through this year, let me live to find favor before you and before men in Jesus’s name. 1 Samuel 2:26

In the Name of Jesus, no evil shall befall me, neither shall any plague come into my dwelling; Psalms 91:10

I command every agent or power acting against my breakthrough to be permanently paralyzed in Jesus’s Name

Power Against Spirit of Delay

Daniel 10:10–21; Isaiah 45:1–11; Isaiah 49:24–26

Let me experience your power and victory in every area of my life. 1 Sam 17: 51-52

Lord, let every chain of life binding me from moving forward in life be broken today in Jesus’ name. Acts 12:6–10

Father, every Iron Gate set against me from entering into my place of prosperity, increase, fulfillment, and greatness be opened in their own accord in Jesus’ Name. Acts 12:10
Every delay in my journey through life is removed in Jesus’ name.

Lord, I pray that every one of my lost blessings should be restored in Jesus’s Name

Lord, deliver me from the snare of my enemies and the pestilence (drought) going round; Psalms 91:3

Lord, cover me with your feathers and let me dwell under your wings so that I will not experience trouble in Jesus’s name. Psalms 91:4

Father, let every gate blocking the fulfillment of your prophecies concerning my life be broken in Jesus’ Name

Lord, every gatekeeping my blessings out, breaks in pieces and cuts in sunder the bars of iron

Blessings of Hands, Body, and Storehouses

Deut 28:1–14; Genesis 22:14–18

Lord, release your prosperity on my business and the work of my hand in Jesus’ Name.

Lord, rebuke every devourer for my sake and prosper the works of my hand (job, business, career, finance) in Jesus’s name. Mal. 10:11

I break myself from every circle of failure in Jesus’s Name

I commend all contrary trees growing in my business and my life to be uprooted in Jesus’ Name

Lord, let not the lot of the wicked fall upon my business and the fruit of my ground in Jesus’ Name.

Lord, may the morning, noon, and evening of my life never be wasted or spent in misfortune in Jesus’ Name

Father, let the kings of this land love me and prefer me above all others. And let me be placed in the position of honor by kings in Jesus’ name. Esther 2:17

Marriage and Homes

Psalms 127; Genesis 2:21–25; Mark 10:9; Mal 2:16

Lord, from the wells of our salvation, we draw joy for our homes in Jesus’ Name. Isaiah 12:3

Father, Every plant in my home that you have not planted, Lord, uproot in the name of Jesus Matt 15:13

Lord, pour your oil afresh upon my home in Jesus’ name.

Lord, let rejoicing and joy fill our homes in Jesus’ name. Ps 118:15

Father, let every storm raging in marriages be still in Jesus’ name.

Father, let every evil plan or attack from my enemies concerning ‘My Home’ fall and stumble in Jesus’ name. Psalm 27:1-2

Father, give us rain and release your financial blessing upon our home in Jesus’ Name. Leviticus 26:4

Father, let every wall of Jericho that has been erected against my home from prospering and moving forward be brought down in Jesus’ Name.

Every stranger, man or woman, situation or circumstance in my home, obey me, submit to me, and fade out of my home or marriage in Jesus’ Name. Psalm 18:44–48

Father, fill my children with your spirit of truth, give them a heart that loves truth, and follow after it. Proverbs 12:22, John 14:15–17

Father, No weapon of the enemy that is formed against my home, my marriage, children, and family will prosper, and every tongue will be condemned in Jesus’ name. Isaiah 57:17

Father, let every burden and yoke of evil that have been placed upon marriage, my home, family, and children shall be broken now by the reason of the anointing in Jesus’ Name. Isaiah 10:27

In every way that the enemy has held my husband or wife and my home captive or prey, whether lawful or unlawful, let there be a release in Jesus’ name. Isaiah 49:24-25


Fasting and prayer reveal prayer points as threads that delicately weave our ambitions, difficulties, and supplications into contact with the Divine.

As we start on this sacred path, remember that the value resides not only in abstaining but also in purposeful and emotional communion with the Almighty.

May our prayer points while fasting serve as a compass to guide us through the depths of spiritual insight and change.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are prayer points important during fasting?

Prayer points serve as specific areas of focus during fasting, guiding our communication with God. They provide direction and intentionality, helping us align our desires with God’s will. In essence, prayer points enhance the purpose and depth of our fasting, turning it into a more intentional and spiritually enriching practice.

How do I determine prayer points for my fasting period?

The determination of prayer points during fasting is a personal and reflective process. Consider your life circumstances, areas of struggle, and aspirations. Seek God’s guidance through Scripture and meditation. Prayerfully identify specific aspects of your life, the lives of others, or broader global concerns that warrant focused intercession. This will help tailor your prayers to the unique journey of your fast.

Can you share examples of prayer points during fasting?

Certainly. Prayer points can range from personal growth and deliverance from specific challenges to interceding for others and seeking guidance in decision-making. For example, praying for wisdom, strength to overcome temptations, and the well-being of family and friends are common themes. Scripture, such as Psalms and the teachings of Jesus, can inspire specific prayer points during fasting.

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