Powerful Prayer Against Gun Violence

Prayer Against Gun Violence

One of the most effective spiritual weapons for good is a prayer against gun violence. The difficulty with praying is that you can’t do it by yourself. In order for God to communicate His message to us in the most powerful way possible, it needs to be prayed for by many people at once.

1. Prayers To Stop Gun Violence

God, I’m sad!

After yet another shooting, I come before you to plead for mercy,

To ask that you take the souls of the victims into your loving care,

To comfort the grieving loved ones and friends of the victims,

To provide for the needs of the injured, and to care for the wounded.

To make the hands of the rescuers, doctors, and other caregivers stronger

God, I am worn out.

Although I want to put an end to it, how can I do so?

How do I make people aware that this is a problem with life?

God, I am so incredibly sad about all of this.

However, I am aware that your pain is reflected in mine.

Help me God, I need a change of life

2. Prayers Against Gun Violence

Merciful God

Another mass shooting has injured or killed several innocent people.

The sound of lamentation can be heard all over the place.

Weeping beside blood stains

Lead us to peace and away from violence.

Heal us from glorifying weapons; assist us in avoiding evil or illegal acts.

Allow us to solve all of our problems constructively rather than destructively.

Lord, teach us to appreciate all life.

Help us to resist the evil all around us; let us abandon all of our violent ways and become peace advocates.

In the mighty name of  Jesus Christ, we pray.

3. Catholic Prayer To End Gun Violence

We hope that everyone realizes the devastating impact that gun violence has. Help us to be calm and diplomatic in difficult situations.

Lead us to peace and away from violence.

Please assist us in avoiding any evil or illegal acts.

We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, the great teacher.

4. Short Prayer for gun violence

Oh my, merciful God!

With everyone who has been affected by gun violence

The gunman’s preference for violence

Regulations that make it simple for dangerous males to obtain firearms

Let us bemoan the unwillingness of our politicians to work for change.

With the hearts torn today by loss

Every life today that was taken short

And then, Lord, let us get up from our knees and work for change.

In the glory of the lord of peace, Christ. Amen.

5. Prayer Of Confession Gun Violence

Oh merciful God, give hears to our prayers.

We are lost and lost in a hostile environment of constant violence.

We taste the sourness of fury and the early fruits of grief, and our lips are full of dust.

We admit to being numbed by the sheer number of people who have been shot, injured, died, and left to mourn.

Our confession is that we have lost sight of who we are—created and lovingly made to follow God’s path of peace and experience God’s shalom—and whose we are.

We must work toward the goal of a peaceful kingdom.

We acknowledge that we failed to safeguard our kids.

We reconcile and transform weapons of conflict into instruments of agriculture, feeding others, and of love. We admit to having a peaceful nation

Forgive us all Lord as we come to thee for forgiveness

Thank you, merciful God.

6. Prayers For Victims Of Gun Violence

God, you are the one who created us and who keeps us alive.

Today, we offer prayers for those who perished as a result of violence.

Give those who would harm others softer hearts and more stable minds.

Hear your people when they call out to you in need, and give them more reason to believe in your enduring goodness.

Hear the fervent prayers of the grieving.

May you transform hate into love, conflict into peace, and darkness into your light. So that violence has no place to flourish in our world, urge every one of us to act with prophetic love.


7. Prayer To End Gun Violence

Merciful Lord, we approach you with sorrowful hearts because we can hear the slaughtered calling to us from the ground.

We live in a damaged world where individuals constantly cause harm to one another.

Give us the sanity we require to live in harmony with one another.

Give us the moral fortitude to oppose those who defend this “right” despite realizing how it is being misused.

Give us the willpower to declare “enough” now.

Those among us whose lives have been impacted by gun violence have our prayers and support.

Only your fatherly strength and leadership can win. Please pay attention to us. This needs to end.

8. Catholic Prayer Against Gun Violence

God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, we come to you disturbed and distressed by the evil and devastation of gun violence, and we beseech you to have mercy on each victim of this horrible act.

O God, who cares for all as a father would pour forth your gracious blessing on law enforcement, medical professionals, leaders, and all those who serve as your ministers of mercy, bringing them comfort in the wake of a terrible catastrophe.

Father of mercies and God of all consolation, who comforts us in all of our afflictions, Console the loved ones of each victim, brings consolation to bereaved communities, and bring calm to anxious hearts.

O God, author, and lover of peace,
defend against every attack those who cry to you,
so that all who trust in your protection
may not fear the weapons of any foe.

So that they can come to their senses and avoid the devil’s trap, trapped by him for his will, grant those who are tempted to engage in these behaviors repentance leading to the knowledge of the truth. O God of peace, you are peace yourself and cannot be received by a violent soul or intellect.

O gracious and mighty God, that we might all actually earn the right to be called your children, please, put a stop to the violence in our midst as soon as possible and wipe away all tears.

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