
Set Aside Prayer: A Guide To Practicing Stillness And Surrender

Set Aside Prayer: A Guide To Practicing Stillness And Surrender
Table of Contents Show
  1. Set Aside Prayer
  2. Where does the set aside prayer come from
  3. Set Aside Prayer
    1. 1. Be Still and Know That I am God – Psalm 46:10
    2. 2. “Thy Will Be Done” – Matthew 6:10
    3. 3. I Surrender All – Hymn 294 in the United Methodist Hymnal
    4. 4. Let Go and Let God – Anonymous
    5. 5. I am Thine, O Lord, I Have Heard Thy Voice – Hymn 382 in the United Methodist Hymnal
    6. 6. Lord, Make Me an Instrument of Thy Peace – St. Francis of Assisi
    7. 7. Create in Me a Clean Heart, O God, and Renew a Right Spirit Within Me – Psalm 51:10
    8. 8. Draw Near to God and He Will Draw Near to You – James 4:8
    9. 9. In Everything, Give Thanks – 1 Thessalonians 5:18
    10. 10. Lead Me to the Rock That Is Higher Than I – Psalm 61:2
    11. 11. Create a Clean Heart in Me, O God – Psalm 51:10
    12. 12. Teach Me Your Way, O Lord, and I Will Walk in Your Truth – Psalm 86:11
    13. 13. Let Your Will Be Done on Earth as It Is in Heaven – Matthew 6:10
    14. 14. The Lord Is My Shepherd, I Shall Not Want – Psalm 23:1
    15. 15. I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me – Philippians 4:13
    16. 16. Let the Words of My Mouth and the Meditations of My Heart Be Acceptable in Your Sight – Psalm 19:14
    17. 17. Be Still and Know That I Am God – Psalm 46:10
    18. 18. Love Your Neighbor as Yourself – Mark 12:31
    19. 19. The Joy of the Lord Is My Strength – Nehemiah 8:10
    20. 20. Let Your Light Shine Before Others – Matthew 5:16
  4. How to Practice Set Aside Prayer
  5. Conclusion
  6. FAQs
    1. 1. What is the Set Aside Prayer, and how does it differ from other prayers?
    2. 2. Can the Set Aside Prayer be used in any spiritual or religious context?
    3. 3. How often should one practice the Set Aside Prayer, and what benefits can be expected?

Embarking on the journey of Set Aside Prayer is akin to stepping into a tranquil oasis, a refuge from the frenetic pace of contemporary existence. The practice is not just a routine; it’s a deliberate choice to carve out moments of quiet, away from the cacophony of daily life.


As you traverse the narrative of this guide, envisage the transformative power of Set Aside Prayer—moments of calm, enhanced spiritual connection, and mental clarity amid life’s storms. This is more than a guide; it’s an odyssey into the heart of serenity. Let the pages unfold, and may the whispers of Set Aside Prayer guide you into a haven of tranquility, where surrender becomes a source of strength, and stillness, a sacred gift.

Set Aside Prayer

In the hustle of our daily lives, the Set Aside Prayer emerges as a beacon, urging us to pause and surrender. Imagine a moment where doubts, fears, and reservations dissipate, making room for trust in a higher guidance. This simple yet potent prayer serves as a guide to release the weight of tangled emotions, doubts, and sins. The words echo a plea for clarity, a surrender to the divine will that transcends our own desires.


In the journey of practicing Set Aside Prayer, the whispers of surrender become a transformative force, leading us to a place where stillness is not just sought but found, and trust becomes an anchor in the ebb and flow of life.

Where does the set aside prayer come from

The idea behind the set aside prayer is to let go of preconceptions and assumptions in order to be open to new ideas and experiences. For people in recovery, this can mean setting aside their old ways of thinking and behaving, and embracing a new way of life based on spiritual principles.

In recent years, printable versions of the set aside prayer have become widely available online. These can be downloaded and printed out for personal use, or distributed at meetings or other recovery-related events.

Set Aside Prayer

1. Be Still and Know That I am God – Psalm 46:10

Heavenly Father, as I set aside this time for prayer and reflection, I ask that you help me to quiet my mind and still my heart. Help me to let go of the worries and distractions of the day, and to focus solely on your presence. Teach me to trust in your power and sovereignty, and to know that you are with me always. May this time of stillness and surrender fill me with peace, hope, and renewed faith. Amen.


2. “Thy Will Be Done” – Matthew 6:10

Dear God, I come before you today with a heart that is open and ready to receive your will. Help me to surrender my own desires and plans, and to trust in your perfect timing and guidance. Give me the strength and courage to follow wherever you lead me, and to embrace the challenges and blessings that come my way. May I always seek your will above all else, knowing that you have a purpose and plan for my life. Amen.

3. I Surrender All – Hymn 294 in the United Methodist Hymnal

Lord, I come before you today with a heart that is willing to surrender all. Help me to let go of my fears, my doubts, my ambitions, and my pride, and to lay them all at your feet. Fill me with your grace and mercy, and lead me on the path of righteousness. May I trust in your love and provision, and find true joy and peace in your presence. Amen.

4. Let Go and Let God – Anonymous

Heavenly Father, I pray that you would help me to release my grip on the things that I cannot control, and to trust in your power and goodness. Help me to let go of my worries, my doubts, and my fears, and to place them all in your hands. Teach me to have faith in your plan for my life, and to surrender myself to your will. May your peace and love fill my heart and guide my steps. Amen.


5. I am Thine, O Lord, I Have Heard Thy Voice – Hymn 382 in the United Methodist Hymnal

Dear God, I hear your voice calling out to me, and I respond with a heart that is eager to follow you. I am yours, Lord, and I surrender myself to your love and care. Help me to hear your voice more clearly each day, and to follow where you lead me. May your will be done in my life, and may I always be faithful to your call. Amen.

6. Lord, Make Me an Instrument of Thy Peace – St. Francis of Assisi

Lord, as I set aside this time for prayer and reflection, I ask that you would make me an instrument of your peace. Help me to be a source of love, compassion, and forgiveness in the world, and to bring hope and healing to those who are hurting. Teach me to be patient, kind, and generous, and to see others as you see them. May your love and grace flow through me to bless those around me. Amen.

7. Create in Me a Clean Heart, O God, and Renew a Right Spirit Within Me – Psalm 51:10

Dear God, I come before you today with a heart that is burdened by sin and shame. I ask that you would create in me a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within me. Help me to confess my sins and seek your forgiveness, and to turn away from all that is wrong and harmful.

Fill me with your Holy Spirit, and guide me on the path of righteousness. May your grace and mercy cleanse me and transform me, and may I live a life that honors and glorifies you. Amen.

8. Draw Near to God and He Will Draw Near to You – James 4:8

Heavenly Father, I desire to draw near to you in this time of prayer and reflection. I ask that you would open my heart and mind to your presence, and help me to sense your nearness. Draw me closer to you, Lord, and fill me with your love, wisdom, and strength.

May this time of communion with you refresh my soul and renew my spirit, and may I go forth from here with a deeper understanding of your grace and goodness. Amen.

9. In Everything, Give Thanks – 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Dear God, I thank you for this time of prayer and reflection, and for the many blessings you have bestowed upon me. Help me to cultivate a heart of gratitude, and to give thanks in all things.

Even in the midst of trials and difficulties, may I trust in your goodness and faithfulness, and find reasons to give thanks. May my gratitude be a reflection of your grace and love, and may it inspire others to seek you and honor you. Amen.

10. Lead Me to the Rock That Is Higher Than I – Psalm 61:2

Lord, as I set aside this time for prayer and reflection, I ask that you would lead me to the rock that is higher than I. Help me to find refuge and strength in you, and to trust in your unfailing love and protection. When I am overwhelmed and weary, may I look to you as my source of comfort and peace. May my faith be grounded in you, Lord, and may I always find my rest and hope in you. Amen.

11. Create a Clean Heart in Me, O God – Psalm 51:10

Dear God, I ask that you would create a clean heart in me, and renew a right spirit within me. Help me to recognize and confess my sins, and to turn away from all that is wrong and harmful. Fill me with your Holy Spirit, and guide me on the path of righteousness. May my heart be pure and my spirit be renewed, and may I live a life that brings honor and glory to you. Amen.

12. Teach Me Your Way, O Lord, and I Will Walk in Your Truth – Psalm 86:11

Heavenly Father, I desire to walk in your truth and follow your ways. Teach me, Lord, to understand your Word and to apply it to my life. Give me the wisdom and discernment to make right choices and to honor you in all that I do. May my life be a testimony to your grace and love, and may others see in me the hope and joy that comes from knowing you. Amen.

13. Let Your Will Be Done on Earth as It Is in Heaven – Matthew 6:10

Dear God, I pray that your will would be done on earth as it is in heaven. Help me to surrender my own desires and plans, and to seek your will above all else. Give me the faith and courage to follow wherever you lead me, and to trust in your provision and guidance. May your kingdom come and your will be done in my life and in the world around me. Amen.

14. The Lord Is My Shepherd, I Shall Not Want – Psalm 23:1

Lord, I thank you for being my shepherd and my provider. I trust in your goodness and faithfulness, and I know that you will never leave me nor forsake me. Help me to follow you with a willing heart, and to trust in your provision for my every need.

When I am tempted to worry or to doubt, may I remember that you are with me and that you will take care of me. May my heart be filled with gratitude and peace, knowing that I am safe in your care. Amen.

15. I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me – Philippians 4:13

Heavenly Father, I thank you for the strength that you give me through your Son, Jesus Christ. Help me to rely on him for all that I need, and to trust in his power to overcome every obstacle and challenge.

When I feel weak or inadequate, may I remember that I can do all things through him who strengthens me. May my faith be anchored in Christ, and may I live a life that reflects his love and grace. Amen.

16. Let the Words of My Mouth and the Meditations of My Heart Be Acceptable in Your Sight – Psalm 19:14

Dear God, I ask that you would help me to guard my words and my thoughts, and to make them pleasing to you. May the words that I speak be filled with love, kindness, and truth, and may they bring glory to your name. And may the meditations of my heart be pure and pleasing to you, Lord, as I seek to honor you in all that I do. Amen.

17. Be Still and Know That I Am God – Psalm 46:10

Lord, in this moment of stillness and quiet, I acknowledge that you are God, and that you are in control. Help me to surrender my fears and worries to you, and to trust in your power and sovereignty.

May my heart be filled with peace and calm, knowing that you are with me and that you will never leave me. And may I go forth from this time of prayer with renewed strength and confidence, trusting in you to guide me on my journey. Amen.

18. Love Your Neighbor as Yourself – Mark 12:31

Dear God, help me to love my neighbor as myself, as you have commanded. Open my eyes to the needs of those around me, and give me a heart of compassion and generosity. Help me to serve others with joy and humility, and to reflect your love and grace in all that I do. May my life be a testimony to your kindness and mercy, and may others be drawn to you through my actions and words. Amen.

19. The Joy of the Lord Is My Strength – Nehemiah 8:10

Heavenly Father, I thank you for the joy that you give me, and for the strength that it brings. Help me to find joy in all circumstances, knowing that you are with me and that you will never abandon me.

When I am feeling down or discouraged, may I remember that the joy of the Lord is my strength, and may I draw on that strength to face whatever lies ahead. May my life be marked by joy, even in the midst of difficulty, and may it bring glory to your name. Amen.

20. Let Your Light Shine Before Others – Matthew 5:16

Lord, I pray that your light would shine through me, and that others would see your goodness and love reflected in my life. Help me to live a life that points others to you, and to be a witness to your grace and mercy. May my words and actions be a testament to your power and truth, and may they inspire others to seek you and follow you. And may all that I do be done for your glory and honor. Amen.

How to Practice Set Aside Prayer

To practice Set Aside Prayer, find a quiet space where you can sit comfortably for a period of time. Set a timer for a designated amount of time, and use that time to focus on surrendering control and connecting with a higher power. You may choose to use a mantra or prayer to help you stay focused.


The Set Aside Prayer emerges as a profound tool in the journey of spiritual growth and recovery. Its simplicity belies its transformative power, inviting individuals to relinquish doubts, fears, and personal reservations.

As individuals practice this prayer, they embark on a journey toward self-discovery, healing, and a profound sense of peace. Ultimately, the Set Aside Prayer invites us to release the weights that entangle us, fostering a spirit of openness, trust, and a renewed connection with the transcendent forces that guide our existence.


1. What is the Set Aside Prayer, and how does it differ from other prayers?

  • The Set Aside Prayer is distinctive for its focus on surrender and releasing personal burdens. Unlike some prayers that may seek specific outcomes, this prayer emphasizes letting go of doubts, fears, and reservations, allowing individuals to be more open to divine guidance.

2. Can the Set Aside Prayer be used in any spiritual or religious context?

  • Yes, the Set Aside Prayer is adaptable and can be incorporated into various spiritual practices and religious traditions. Its universal theme of surrendering personal struggles makes it a versatile tool for individuals seeking a deeper connection with a higher power.

3. How often should one practice the Set Aside Prayer, and what benefits can be expected?

  • The frequency of practicing the Set Aside Prayer varies based on individual preferences and needs. Regular use can lead to increased feelings of peace, a heightened sense of trust in a higher power, and a release from the burdens that may hinder spiritual growth. Consistency in its practice often deepens its impact over time.
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